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  • Payment Arrangement Reminder/Late Letters are not Printing

    If payment arrangement letters are not printing check the following: * Has the payment arrangements parameters (system control menu - payment arrangements) been set up to send reminders and/or late...

  • Total Letters Generated this Month

    * You can access the letter code (system control menu – letter codes) to display the number of letters printed for the month and year for a specific letter code * You can access a total of all let...

  • The System Removed the D from the Delete Field on the Letter Code

    If you try to delete a letter code (system control menu – letter codes) and there are accounts with the letter code pending on the F10 screen the system assumes you want those letters to go out so the...

  • The Difference Between Standard Letters and Special Letters

    Standard letters: * A standard letter is a letter that is available for all companies. * You only have to set up the letter format system control (letter text) once in the system. * To activate...

  • Stopping a User from Requesting Certain Letters

    There is a system control file called letter control by user on the system control menu 2 that can be used to * Allow only specific letters to be requested by the user * Do not allow specific let...

  • Sorting Letter Spool Files

    * Letters are normally grouped by letter code and sorted by the debtor's zip code within that letter code. In general, you will have a spool file for each letter code, with all the letters within th...

  • Requested Letter is not Printing

    If a letter has been requested, but it has not been printed or documented on the system as being generated, check the following: * Was the account on the letter failed report? This will indicate th...

  • Post-Dated Check Letters are not Printing

    * Look at the letter failed report, which is produced during the nightly, to see if the letter code has failed and review the description as to why they are failing * Are post-dated check letters ...

  • Omitting an Account from a Linked Letter

    By default, any account with an inactive close code will be omitted from a linked letter. (Note: an A in allow in contact series or allow as selected letter will send on an inactive close) * If you...

  • Contact Series Letters not Sent

    If all the contact series letters were not printed, first check these items: * Check if the contact series has completed. If the contact series sequence on the 2nd detail screen is 9 the series is ...