If you do not have a Y in the letter code system parameter field send with attorney (Y) * If the attorney address information on an account is present and complete, then the letter will automatica...
This note is generated if more than one of the same letter code has been requested on the account. One letter should actually generate and any additional letters that were requested will be deleted. ...
You cannot chain additional letters from 1 letter code to the next letter code. The system only checks the original letter requested for additional letters to be sent. To explain this better we hav...
Process the Letterlogic NCOA file: * Save the NCOA file to your C drive as a CSV (MS-DOS) (*.csv) * Put the file on the AS400 in SCDATA with the file name LLNCOAUP * Go to the letter format men...
Process the Letterlogic Return file: * Save the Letterlogic Return file to your C drive as a CSV (MS-DOS) (*.csv) * Put the file on the AS400 in SCDATA with the file name LLADDCHG * Go to the l...
The letter codes to omit from letterlogic uploads feature is used to prevent address changes/updates at the account level for specific letter codes. E.g. You send itemized bill requests to your clien...
The letterlogic and modified letter files does not (Generally) require the certain data to have merge codes set up on the letter format screen. However, your current vendor may require them on the let...
Check the letter code system control field page length (max.of 112 lines) and make sure you have a value large enough to include all the lines of the letter. NOTE: The standard 8 1/2 by 11 page leng...
These options allow you to process all Selected letters or all Contact Series letters that have not yet been processed. Note: Use these features with caution as they may overwrite your existing lette...
This is usually caused when the letter is a linked letter, using linked balance merge codes and the account or accounts qualify for 1 of the below: Check the letter code system control options fields...