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Letter (Base) - Variable File Layout

If you want to use this base format you must contact Quantrax first!

The variable file format has the first 9 fields hard coded and do not require merge codes (see below):


Position 1 to 3 = client code (vendor assigned alpha/numeric identifier code) (must provide to Quantrax)
Position 4 to 5 = TELTCD (letter code) (type of letter requested)

Position 6 '~' delimiter
Position 7 to 8 = GCOMP (company number)
Position 9 '-'
Position 10 to 18 = GDEBT# (case number)
Position 19 '~' delimiter
Position 20 to 50 = consumer name (S02-first name last name separated by a space)
Position 51 '~' delimiter
Position 52 to 81 = GADD2X (street address)
Position 82 '~' delimiter
Position 83 to 112 = GADD1X (extra address) (i.e. apt#, suite#)
Position 113 '~' delimiter
Position 114 to 133 = GCITY (city)
Position 134 '~' delimiter
Position 135 to 136 = GSTATE (state)
Position 137 '~' delimiter
Position 138 to 146 = GZIP (zip code)
Position 147 '~' delimiter

Position 148 to 150 = address indicator (2 character code to represent who the address belongs to: C0=guarantor, C1, C2, C3, C5, C6, C7, C8, C9, CA, CB, CC, CD=multiple cosigners and C4=F10-cosigner)

Position 151 '~' delimiter

Position 152 to 2006 = These are the variable fields. You decide what additional data you want included in the letter and associate this data with merge codes on the letter format. The data will appear in the file based on how the merge code is set up on the letter code and each field of data will be separated by a '~'. A pipe '|' will designate the end of each record.




Keywords - Article Letters Article Letter File Layout LetterLogic Ltlogic

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