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User-Defined Window ( UDW ): A place to Store Additional Information on an Account

 User-defined window options are located on the system control menu 3

User-Defined Window Highlights

In the collection industry there is often a need to store data that may be client, account or process specific and is usually unique to the individual agency. While RMEx does provide standard screens to store the more common types of data, it also allows you to create up to 99 additional screens (windows) to store any additional data you may need. We call these screens user-defined windows or UDWs. The key features of user-defined windows are:

  • Information can be loaded into the windows, electronically or can be entered by users
  • You can have free form windows or set up templates with some fixed text (a practical use is for defining titles for each field)
  • Window codes 01-50 can be updated/edited by a user
  • Window codes 01-50 can be set up to be client specific by using the client template option 
  • Window codes 51-99 can only be updated/edited by a program 
  • Window codes 51-99 can only be set up as a company template 
  • You can control the amount and type (alpha/numeric) of data entered into specific areas of the window
  • There are merge codes to print information from windows
  • You can use the information in the windows for smart code decision-making (? logic).
  • You can automatically present a window based on the client on the account or the application of a smart code
  • You can print information from a window
  • You can store up to a 999 lines of data per window

User Defined Windows Setup

Note: For client specific user-defined window templates you must set up the window as a company window template 1st then set up the client template. The system will use the client template 1st if one exists and if not, it will use the company template.


Step 1 Setting up the company template

Set up window code & templates for company - used to set up user-defined window templates for the company level.

  • Key in the number you have chosen for this user-defined window
  • Field descriptions:

Window description – Enter description of the new window you are creating.

Right-justified titles (R) – If you want the titles to appear on the right side of the window enter an “R”. Right justifying the titles allows the user to begin adding data in the first position of each line. The default is “L” so the titles will appear on the left side of the window.

Print not allowed (N) – If you do not want anyone to be able to print this information (from tabQ option) enter an “N”.

Special authority needed (A-Z) – If you only want certain users to access this window enter the special authority level here (from system security). Ex. An “N” means anyone with “N” authority or greater (N through Z) can access.

Format Fields (Y) – If you want to reserve the first 24 characters in each line for titles enter a “Y”.

  • Use the F10 function key to add lines and titles for the new window
  • Key in the heading and /or titles required for the user-defined window
  • Use the F12 function key to update as you complete each set of 5 lines
  • Hit F12 when finished then F7 to view the template

Note: Once a line has been created it can be changed from the main screen (F12 to update) without using F10-add line key.



Step 2 Setting up the client template

Set up window code & templates by client - used to set up user-defined window templates for the client level.

  • Key in the client number for this user-defined window
  • Key in a “Y” if this window is to be used for the client group
  • Key in the number of the user-defined window
  • Follow the instructions for setting up the company template (above)

Note: Client templates can only be used for windows 01-50


Step 3 Setting up the data types

Set up data types for individual fields (by line#) for company and set up data types for individual fields (by line#) by client# - used to control the type of data the user enters into the window

  • Use the F10 function key to add new window data types
  • Key in the user-defined window code
  • Key in the window line you are defining. You will need to do these steps for each line you want to define
  • Key an “A” if the user must add data as alpha or an “N” if it must be numeric
  • Key in the maximum length required for the field that the user will be keying data into
  • Key in the decimal point position if this is a numeric field. Ex: a 2 entered would appear as .00
  • Use the F12 function key to update new window data

Note: For the set up data types for individual fields (by line#) by client# option:

  • Key in the client number and group number then press the enter key
  • Follow the instructions for setting up the company data types (above)


Step 4 Setting up the protected areas

Set up protected areas of user defined windows - used to protect certain areas of the window. Users will not be able to change any data in this area.

  • Use the F10 function key to add new window data
  • Key in the user-defined window code
  • Key in the window line positions you are protecting. You will need to do these steps for each line positions you want to protect
  • Key in the field number for the starting position
  • Key in the field number for the ending position
  • Use the F12 function key to update new window data


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