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User Defined Windows ( UDW ): Using Merge Codes to Add UDW Information to Letters


There are special merge codes to access any information from any user-defined window. These merge codes and options can be used to print letters in-house. It will not assist you in sending information to a printing service, unless there is custom code for it.


Step 1

Assign the user-defined window code to the letter

User-defined window indicator:  

*UD = the system key word to indicate that the merge codes being used are to be associated with a user-defined window.

nn = the user-defined window#.




*UD40 means that the following merge codes will pull the data from user-defined window #40.    


NOTE: The key word/user defined window number (*UDnnhas to be set up within the letter, preceding the merge codes being used.

Data can be pulled from several different user-defined windows into the same letter.

Each time the user-defined window changes the *UDnn will need to be assigned and must precede that windows merge codes.

The user-defined window merge codes are K01-K99.



Step 2

Assign merge codes to be used

User-defined window merge code line and position indicators:


K = the system key word to indicate that the data is to be pulled from a specific user-defined window line (or row).

xx = the particular user-defined window line number.

yy = the starting position number (column#) within the selected line.

zz = the number of characters that need to be printed.


NOTES: When using multiple line and position indicators, they must be separated by a comma.

The user-defined window line/row is 80 characters long


Kxx – Merge code will print all the data on the line indicated (xx) and needs be set up in the 1st position with no other data on the line after the merge code.

Ex: <K27 means print all data from the 27th line starting in position 1 and ending in position 80.


Kxx,yy - Merge code will print the data starting in a specific position (yy), on the line indicated (xx) and needs be set up in the specific starting position with no other data on the line after the merge code.

Ex: <K27,40 means print any data from the 27th line starting in position 40 and ending in position 80.  


Kxx,yy,zz - Merge code will print the data starting in a specific position (yy), on the line indicated (xx), will only include a set number of characters (zz) and it needs be set up in the specific starting position with no other data within the space occupied by the specified number of characters on the line after the merge code.

Ex. <K27,18,10 means print any data from the 27th line starting in position 18 and ending in position 28.


Final Example:

*UD40<K27,18,10 means print any data from UD40 from the 27th line starting in position 18 and ending in position 28 (DO NOT insert spaces within the string).


NOTE: You may need to contact Quantrax if your letter print programs are modified. 


Keywords - Article Merge Codes Article Merge Code Article Letters Article Letter Article User Defined Windows Article User Defined Window Article UDW

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