Linking Highlights
- Linking / Possible Linking Reports are printed in the nightly to tell you accounts that linked or could have "Possibly linked" (more details below)
- During the nightly process, the system attempts to link new accounts to an existing account, using the “points structure” set up in the account linking parameters (system control menu - account linking parameters). Both the primary and linked accounts are considered when determining if the new account should be linked or not to an existing account.
- You can have the system apply a smart code to the new account based on successful linking
- You can have the system apply a different smart code to the new account based on unsuccessful linking (does not link to any existing account)
- The Smart codes are applied at the end of the Linking process
Note: When accounts are manually linked smart codes will not be applied
- You can control the linking by client
- You can control the ownership of the new account depending on whether the old account is legal or not
- Linking can be further defined at the collector master level (management menu – collector update) This is covered under the linking topic – Changing collector when linking accounts
Account did not Link
Some of the reasons an account may not link are:
- If you have code written in a custom new business load program to automatically set up a payment arrangement, and the existing account is also on a payment arrangement the system is designed to not attempt linking. The reason for this is, the system does not know which arrangement is valid
- The account may not qualify based on the “points structure” set up in the account linking parameters (system control menu - account linking parameters)
- The client master (management menu – client update) may be set up to not allow linking
- The collector master (management menu – collector update) may be set up to not allow linking
- It is possible that the new account could have linked to an existing account in the system, but because of the linking rules set up on the collector master (management menu – collector update), the new account did not link
- If the new account qualifies to link to more than 1 primary account, the system will link it to only 1 of the primaries. This is usually indicated by an "A" or "B" next to the case# on the possible linking report and you should research and determine if other primaries should be manually linked. NOTE: The system may also list the other primaries on the linking reports for your review
- Linking may not be allowed because the existing account may be a legal/pre-legal account
- Account may be in a pre-collect status
- Points for DOB are not calculated unless the name matches.
- The following two social security numbers can not generate any linking points in the system as they are the most widely used fraudulent SSN’s:
- 078-05-1120
- 219-09-0000
- Single digit SSN’s 1-9, numbers comprised of all the same digit (ex. 333-33-3333) are also ignored
- Pre-collect accounts will not link or be eligible to link until they are no longer in the pre-collect status
Linking and Possible Linking Report Warnings
Linking Reports REVIEW DAILY
Each morning you will receive a Linking Report and a Possible Linking reporting. This will let you know what accounts were and were not linked during the nightly. NOTE: This report should be review DAILY to make sure your linking occurs as efficiently as possible.
Linking and Possible Linking Report Warnings
- Warning - Not linked due to client parameter - Client type or client number/group on new account does not match the existing primary account
- Warning - Not linked due to pre-collect account - Linking is not allowed on accounts in a pre-collect status
- Warning - Social security number does not match - Account should qualify based on other linking criteria but the SS# is no match
- Warning - Last name does not match - Account should qualify based on other linking criteria but the last name is no match
- Warning - Not linked to legal account - Primary account is in a legal status
- Warning - Not linked based on collector code - Collector code on new account is not allowed to link to the collector code on the existing primary account