LINKING HIGHLIGHTS * Linking / Possible Linking Reports are printed in the nightly to tell you accounts that linked or could have Possibly linked (more details below) * During the nightly proces...
The following two social security numbers can not generate any linking points in the system as they are the most widely used fraudulent SSN’s: * 078-05-1120 * 219-09-0000 Single digit SSN’s 1-9...
The message: SC-0109 LINKING can not change-P/D, P/A or D/Ck on both groups Appears when you are trying to link 2 or more accounts or 2 or more groups of accounts together and one of the below combina...
* It is possible to stop new accounts from linking to existing accounts based on the owner/collector code on the existing accounts * In the collector master (management menu – collector update), t...
Note: There are special rules when unlinking the primary account. See RMEx system HELP on the unlinking field of the smart code. NOTE: See this KB for information limitations on linking accounts...
If an account is linked during the nightly process or linked manually, there are features which allow you to change owner/collector codes on the account that is being linked or the accounts that are b...