To grant access to the “display accounts for audit” feature (management menu - smart code/user audit options) the user must have a (Y) in the below 2 fields (system control menu – system security): ...
To be able to see the entire social security number for a debtor: On the system security, the user ID must have a Y in the field show full SS# To get to system security: main menu--> system contol men...
To be able to access the display accounts for audit feature, the user must have a (Y) in the below system security fields: Areas * Coll.reports Menus * Main * Management Keywords - Kbase Sy...
To see the complete credit card number on an account the user must have, at the user ID level in system security, a Y in either * Payment entry (under areas) * Show sensitive info (on the second ...
[img src="" alt="" align="baseline"] [] (length 0.50 mins) Id: DC032408 ...
* The ability to manually change owner/collector codes on an account, without using a smart code, is controlled by the close accounts (YCN) field (system control menu – system security) * When t...
This is ONLY available via Classic View Menu path is below: 1. System Control Menu > 1. System Security > 9. Reset password for any User * Enter the User ID of the person that was disabled. * T...
A user can change an ACat and QCat code if 1 or combinations of all of the following exist in (system control menu – system security) * Has ability to close accounts * Has access to management ...
To be able to access the display accounts for audit feature and apply a smart code from this feature, the user must have a (Y) in the below system security fields: Areas * Coll.reports * Special...
* A user can close accounts by using a smart code (system control menu – smart codes) which will apply a close code through the decision and action lines set up in the smart code * It is also p...