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Close Codes Affecting Statistics

There are 3 close code fields “remove from placement amount (Y) __”, “inactive balance (Y) __” and “active for statistics (Y) __”

(System control menu – close codes) that will affect statistics on the placement history report and the activity history report. The below options are available:

  • A “Y” in “inactive balance” and “remove from placement balance” will reduce the placed number of and amount columns and will not be considered in the active number of and amount columns
  • A “Y” in “inactive balance” and “active for statistics” will increase the closed number of and amount columns and will not be considered in the active number of and amount columns
  • A “Y” in “inactive balance” only will increase the withdrawn number of and amount columns, it will affect your recovery percentage column (in that it is not considered when being calculated) and will not be considered in the active number of and amount columns
  • All fields “blank” behave the same as the “active for statistics” above


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