Zero balance but no close code on an account , there are a couple ways this can happen. The first place to check would be Balance types on the F10 Second detail screen. * Imagine this, you have ...
If you are using a Secondary Close Code, the description of the Secondary Close Code will appear on the Status Report. Keywords - Kbase Close Code Kbase Close Codes Kbase Report Kbase Reports ...
Due to programming requirements, there are some characters that cannot be used as a close codes and they are: * / ' Keywords - Kbase Close codes Kbase Close code ...
It is sometimes necessary to stop a collector or any other user from seeing pertinent information on accounts closed with certain close codes. For example, an account which was placed in error and ret...
Click on bullet below to view information: * Definition * Training * Documentation ...
The reason this would happen is because in the close code, you have a P or a Y in the field called open on payment transaction. Keywords - Kbase Close Codes Kbase Close Code Payments ...
There is an option on the close codes system control file called omit from reports which allows you to omit certain close codes from close out reports. If closed accounts are not appearing on a close-...
An account can be reopened based on a payment being applied. Below are the options used to make this happen: * Close codes (system control menu - close codes) have a field called open on payment tr...
It is possible to stop a letter from being requested on a closed account provided the letter being requested is not defined as a linked letter print link balances field on letter codes (system control...
* The close code field omit from reports (system control menu – close codes) allows you to omit accounts with the close code from the status report and close-out report. Keywords - Kbase Clos...