* Select close codes to purge - Enter the individual close codes to be purged or key in all to select all close codes * Linked account option (1 or 2) 1. Purge individual accounts (w...
Below are the System Control options that pertain to purging accounts: 1. (System control menu 2 – purge) This is the system control file that you will need to set up for the system to select the acc...
Below are the System Control options that pertain to purging accounts and the order they should be processed in: * (System control menu 2 - purge) This is the system control file that you will need...
* Standard Placement History * Standard Activity History keywords: article purge reports ...
This option will provide you with information regarding the RMEx master files: * Records - These are the number of records currently on the system. These records use as much disk space as they need...
* Is the account the primary account? If so, make sure all linked accounts also qualify to be purged. The system will not purge the primary account unless all linked accounts qualify to be purged...
If the following message appears when you take the information purge option this means someone did not take the delete purge work files option the last time a purge was ran. ---- WARNING ----...
This feature: * Allows you to remove old data from the purge database * Removes any account with a purge date or last transaction date prior to the date you enter * Requires a dedicated system ...
The information purge report shows the number of records (accounts), number of payment transactions and number of notes that qualified and were marked to be purged, based on the parameters you have se...
* PGACCTxx * PGACCT1xx * PGACCT2xx * PGPAYMxx * PGNOTExx NOTE: xx = company number Keywords - Kbase Purge Work File ...