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Setting up the Purge System Controls

  • Select close codes to purge - Enter the individual close codes to be purged or key in all to select all close codes
  • Linked account option (1 or 2)

             1. Purge individual accounts (will purge each individual account that qualifies to be purged. There is one exception to this rule - The primary account will never purge as long as there is an account in the linked group that does not qualify to be purged)

             2. Do not purge individual cases until all linked cases qualify (will only purge accounts if all accounts in the linked group qualify to be purged)

  • Do not purge with payment transactions after date - Enter a date in this field. Any account that has had a payment (payment transaction codes 01, 11, 21, 31) after the date entered, will not purge
  • Save payment history for purge inquiry (Y) - We recommend you always save the payment history so you can view it from the purge inquiry (payment transaction codes 01, 11, 21, 31)
  • Include legals (N=No) - If an account is in a legal status, you can prevent that account from purging by putting an "N" in this field. 

NOTE:  Save payment history for purge inquiry (Y) - This option only pertains to the purge payment files for inquiry purposes only and the data will not be available for most standard payment reports.


Keywords - Article Purge 

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