When a payment transaction is entered that results in an overpayment or credit balance on an account the system will maintain that overpayment at the account level and it will appear as a credit balan...
There are different payment codes for each type of transaction. It is very important that the correct payment transaction code is used for the transaction, since client remittance statements, cash and...
You can specify a distribution order, how payments are to be applied to different balance types when a payment is received at the balance type level. * Distribution order is the order in which the...
There are 2 options for omitting a payment transaction on a client’s remittance statement: * You can select certain balance types (system control menu - balance types) that are to never appear on t...
To change the date on a batch of debtor agency transactions, you need to do the following: * Sign on to the system with the User ID that created the batch * Go to (payment transaction Menu – cl...
Following are facts about payment processing. * The system maintains a placement amount, a primary balance, an interest balance and up to ten secondary balances * Debtor-agency transactions invo...
To delete or clear a batch of debtor agency transactions, you need to do the following: * Sign on to the system with the user ID that created the batch * Go to (payment transaction menu – c...