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Processing Payment Transactions on Forwarding Agency Accounts

The below describes how to process payment transactions on accounts that have been forwarded to a Forwarding agency through the option Debtor/Agency entry:

  • If the payment is mailed to your agency, you will apply the full amount of the Consumers payment transaction the same as if the account was not forwarded with a Payment transaction code 01
  • If the payment is reported to your agency by your client, you will apply the full amount of the Consumers payment transaction the same as if the account was not forwarded with a Payment transaction code 11
  • If the payment was mailed to the Forwarding agency and they do NOT retain commission, you will apply the full amount of the Consumers payment transaction with a Payment transaction code 02
  • If the payment was mailed to the Forwarding agency and they DO retain commission, you will apply the full amount of the Consumers payment transaction with a Payment transaction code 02 AND enter the fee amount that the Forwarding agency retained in the field "Fwd.Agent Retained" (this creates a cash adjustment for the fee the agency retained)  


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