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Processing Over Payments: Refunding payments back to clients and consumers

When a payment transaction is entered that results in an overpayment or credit balance on an account the system will maintain that overpayment at the account level and it will appear as a credit balance to the debtor.

NOTE: If you are not sure how the overpayment occurred, check the Posting Report (Was the payment forced to a balance type, etc?) and have it ready to send to support if you still need help. 

  •  Entering an overpayment is not handled any differently than entering a regular payment
  •  Overpayments can be reviewed using the payment transaction edit report before posting the transaction
  •  Overpayments can also be reviewed using the credit balance report (payment transaction menu - credit balance report) after the transactions have been posted
  •  RMEx will differentiate between overpayments paid to the agency (payment transaction code 03) and overpayments paid to the client (payment transaction code 13). As a result of this, these two transactions will need to also be processed differently
  •  You can leave overpayments on the account indefinitely
  •  RMEx will separate the total payment entered into the amount with the same payment transaction code as the one originally entered and a different payment transaction code which will be the amount of the overpayment
  •  The overpayment is not reported on the client remittance statement and does not go into client or collector statistics
  •  The creation of the overpayment payment transaction code takes place at the time of posting the payment, and not at the time of entry
  •  Accounts with overpayments are closed with a “1” paid in full close code
  •  Commission is not calculated on overpayments

 Processing an overpayment made to the agency

  •  The system will create a payment transaction code 03 for the overpayment
  •  The overpayment will become a part of the bank deposit for the day and will be included in the "cash" total
  •  The Paid agency component will not include the overpayment
  •  To refund the overpayment to the debtor and remove it from the account you must reverse the overpayment amount with a payment transaction code 72
  •  To refund the overpayment to the client and remove it from the account you must reverse the overpayment amount with a payment transaction code 71. This transaction will appear on the client’s remittance statement as an amount due to them
  •  To keep the overpayment and remove it from the account you must reverse the overpayment amount with a payment transaction code 73
  •  To transfer the overpayment to another account and remove it from this account you must reverse the overpayment amount with a payment transaction code of 03 and post the amount to the new account with a payment transaction code of 01
  •  To correct (posted in error) the overpayment and remove it from the account you must reverse the overpayment amount with a payment transaction code 03

Processing an overpayment made to the client

  •  The system will create a payment transaction code 13 for the overpayment
  •  The payment transaction code 13 is not a cash transaction
  •  To correct (posted in error) the overpayment and remove it from the account you must reverse the overpayment amount with a payment transaction code 13

Note: Never correct an overpayment with any transaction other than what is referenced in this document. never use an adjustment code 41-49.

Example of refunding an over payment back to the client. 

In order to refund and overpayment to your client, you will need to do the following:

  •  Use payment code 71 to refund a debtor over payment to the client
  •  Enter the amount as a negative transaction
  •  The debtor's balance will be increased
  •  The transaction will appear on the client statement as an amount due


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