1- Create a subsystem description called ITELSBS by using the command CRTSBSD (The problem in doing it like this it that you will have to monitor to make sure that enough storage size is ok) ...
To change the date on the I-Series * From a command line type: CHGSYSVAL SYSVAL(QDATE) and prompt by hitting the funtion key F4 * In the field New value type the date change using this format: ...
This command allows you to manage how long messages remain in the various message queues. If you need additional information regarding this command please contact your IBM partner. Keywords - ...
Right before the upgrade: * Make sure SS#s, CC#s and DC#s are not being updated during this process * Make sure your nightly has been processed and you have a good RMEx backup * Write down case...
* DA - Work with active jobs (I-Series command WRKACTJOB) * DF - Work with spool file for all users (I-Series command WRKSPLF SELECT (*ALL)) * DJ - Work with submitted jobs (I-Series command WRK...
One or more of the following libraries are created when you upgrade to a newer version of RMEx: SCLIBO SCFIXO SCMODO * If you do a full AS400 system backup after the upgrade then they will be back...
To change the time on the I-Series * From a command line type: CHGSYSVAL SYSVAL(QTIME) and prompt by hitting the F4 function key * In the field new value type the time change using military time ...
* The information on a tape can be displayed by using the DSPTAP command from a command line. * If you do not have access to a command line, the option is available from the utilities menu. (Key ...
* To safely power down your AS/400, you need to have access to the command line * While at an AS/400 command line, type in go power, then press the enter key. This will bring up the power on and o...
* When RMEx was installed, the system was set up to sign an inactive display off after 30 minutes. If the user signs back on within 30 minutes of this, they will be taken to the point at which th...