At the Payment Arrangement System control menu option you can specify a maximum number of installments, a minimum installment amount and/or the minimum installment amount as a percentage of the the qu...
On the Payment Arrangements system control option, when you exit, you are presented with options for handling broken promises. To this option, we have added rules to present accounts that have not mis...
If you get the message that there are No valid cases or accounts are paid in full message when entering payments, it is because you have a linked account that is closed inactive. You will heve to ... [
Check to see if the downpayment field was populated and if the downpayment has been broken. Keywords - Kbase Queues Kbase Payment Arrangements ...
The system is designed to remember the last payment arrangement screen the user used and return to that screen the next time the user takes the F9 option. For example, if the user sets up a non-linear...
Click on bullet below to view information: * Definition [] ...
This feature allows a user to suspend or stop a standard payment arrangement after 1-9 installments. This can be used if the user is going to renegotiate an arrangement after a certain time frame. Whe...
The grace period will be ignored on the last installment amount Keywords - Kbase Grace Period ...
The M is for monthly. Example, if the debtor wants to send a payment on the 15th of each month, you could choose M and you would go to the field start date and key in the 1st payment due date. The D ...