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System Generated QCats

The system-generated QCat codes are: 

       QCat               Description                   Appears in Processing Types

  • 991 - Cell phone only                           Home phones only
  • 992 - No phones                                   No phones
  • 993 - Skips                                            No phones
  • 994 - New business exists (opt.)            Broken promises & dated follow ups
  • 995 - Broken pymnt arrangement (opt.) Broken promises
  • 996 - Paying accounts (opt.)                 All processing types
  • 997 - New business hold (opt.)              New business 
  • 998 - Dialer holds                                 All processing types
  • 999 - No phones                                   New business, broken promises & dated follow ups

NOTE: (opt.) means these Q-Cats can be "turned off" using the system parameter option stop system-generated QCats (Y).

NOTE: You can define the sort order for these QCats in the QCat system controls. If you do not define a sort order the system will sort them based on the QCat that exists on the account that was selected for account processing.

NOTE: QCats 991, 992 and 999 only look at the account detail screen. Tab+ is not considered.

NOTE: Do not apply system generated QCats to accounts, they are reserved for the system only.


Keywords - Article QCats System Generate

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