The credit card option to print and delete credit card transactions. Once you run this option all the credit card information for the eligible transactions is deleted, and this option cannot be used t...
On the company information system controls, the field EPP interface (Y) must be populated with a Y in order to create a credit card interface file. Keywords - Kbase Credit Cards Kbase Credit Card ...
Go to the payment transaction menu - credit card options - credit card history inquiry Keywords - Kbase Credit Cards Kbase Credit Card ...
* We allow a user to key in the CVV2 code data * We transmit this data to billingtree in real time * The data is cleared from the system * CVV2 codes are not included/nor needed in the credit ...
If your credit card was processed early. Check and correct the following: 1) Make sure that your next work date is correct. From a ready for option field, type in ?N and look at your nightly history....
During the nightly the system creates a backup of the credit card file. This file is CRDINTOBxx (xx=the company number). Keywords - Kbase Credit Cards Kbase Credit Card Backup Files ...
* 'CC Pmt.delayed-S/C exists': At the time CC processing was run, this account had pending smart codes to be applied. This is why you see the note 'CC Pmt.delayed-S/C exists' on the account. This w...
There are 3 warnings that appear on the credit card processing report: * CC for p/a does not match installment - Appears when the amount that prints on the credit card report does not match the cur...
There are 2 ways to batch process credit card payments. * Option 1 allows you to control how the credit card payment is distributed among the accounts and balance types. * Option 2 automatically ...
Options that are involved in credit card processing: Payment Transaction Menu * Daily payment report options * Print and delete credit card transactions You have selected an option ...