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Credit Card Payment did not Present on Credit Card Report

  • 'CC Pmt.delayed-S/C exists': At the time CC processing was run, this account had pending smart codes to be applied.  This is why you see the note 'CC Pmt.delayed-S/C exists' on the account. This will be run next time Credit Cards are  processed, once all the smart codes on the account have applied and the payment posting transaction will get generated. 
  •  If the credit card is to be used for a payment arrangement check to make sure you see the field  "Use for p/arrangements (Y)" populated with a "Y" on the credit card screen. If not, hit F12 and the system will prompt you to "Use for payment arrangement". Once the credit card is associated with the arrangement, it should print on the next day's credit card report.


Keywords - Kbase Credit Cards Kbase Credit Card Kbase Reports Kbase Report

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