Nightly processing can be set up to start at any time (before midnight, after midnight, etc). Due to this fact, the date it is running could be today's date, tomorrow's date or even process through the midnight hour. It can also begin processing before midnight and end processing after midnight. Because this can cause various inconsistencies within certain processes, we have standardized the date the nightly uses for its processing. No matter what time the nightly is running it will always use the next working date for processing.
Ex. If the nightly starts before midnight on the 15th and you have set up the next working date as the 16th, then the nightly will process using the 16th date.
Note: Keep this in mind when setting up sequences for contact series, smart code series and when checking various number of days features in smart codes. Ex. Days since last payment, days not worked, days no payments, etc.
Keywords - Article Nightly Work Date