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Smart Code will not Change the QCat on the Account

With a smart code, the QCat code can be changed on an account using the options in the selection criteria or last screens:
  • First check that the smart code is being applied on the required account
  • If the account in question is a linked account, make sure the smart code is being duplicated on this account
  • If the QCat is being changed within the action line of the smart code and the account is a legal account, action will not be taken unless you have selected the option "make decisions on legals" on the last screens of the smart code
  • If you want to change the QCat to "000", you must use "999” in the "change QCat to" field
  • You should never try to change a QCat code to one that is reserved by the system. E.g: 991-999




Keywords - Article Smart Codes Article Smart Code Article QCat

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