Client Account Number:
- If the client account number is combined into one field, use the Field 1 field for mapping.
- If you need to create unique client account numbers and/or add separators to the client account number, this can be done:
- The fields: Field 1 __ S _ Field 2 __ S _ Field 3 __ allows you to concatenate up to 3 fields together and add a separator(S) to the final client account number.
- The fields associated with Client Acct# Date Conversion: Allows you to use date fields from the file within the client account number.
Your client wants you to use the debtors SS# (field #2-251835684) and the date of service (field #3-2010/01/13) to create the client account number, in that order, separated by a dash.
You would first set the Client Acct# Date Conversion:
Field 2 File Format CYMD = how it appears in file
Sep / = how it appears in file
Account format MDCY = how you want it to appear on the account
Then set up the fields:
Field 1 02 = enter the SS# file field number
S _ = enter a – (dash)
Field 2 03 = enter the date file field number
Account number will appear as: 251835684-01132010
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