Error in the smart code program after transferring RMEx program changes.
Here are 2 causes for this issue::
First (and the most common):
When applying program changes to RMEx, you’ll ftp the changes to a file starting with “@@” such as @@RCVF. Once you have transferred the changes, the smart code program will check to see if there are any new changes to be found in the @@RCVF and apply them to the system.
One of the most important steps when transferring changes using ftp is to make sure you’re sending the files as binary. If you do not use the binary option when transferring changes, it will create an error in the smart code program.
To fix this. Answser the message in the smart code program with a D to create a dump. Then end the smart code program. Next you will need to clear the files @@RCV, @@RCVB and @@RCVF using the "CLRPFM" command from the command line
Example: clrpfm @@RCVB
Then resend the program using ftp, making sure it is sent as binary to the correct @@ file.
Another way this can happen is if the existing @@RCV (F or B) file was deleted.
So when you ftp your changes to @@RCVF, a new @@RCVF file gets created. The problem is that the new @@RCVF file created by the ftp program will not be the correct record length.
Reviewing the smart code error from work active job.
You’ll see the error when you do WRKACTJOB (work active job) from a command line and look for the smartcode job under QBATCH.
To fix this: Answser the message in the smart code program with a D to create a dump. Then end the smart code program. You will need to create a new @@RCVF @@RCVB and @@RCVF file. When you recreate that file make sure you you set the correct length to 528. This can be done using the command "CRTPF" from a command line. You will see where to put the file name and length on that page. Once created resend your program file making sure you send as binary.
Error details: Click here for a PDF with screen shots and details
Keywords - Article Smart Code Program Error