In the "Account list for audit" on the second screen, "Additional selections" there is a field called "Decision met on s/code". This field will take any smart code you create, and use the decisions met on the smart code to create your audit.
Here is an example of finding accounts with a particular area code using the "Account list for audit".
First: Create a smart code to look for the area code in the ?-logic . In this example smart code 100 is looking at the home phone for area code 301.
From the ?-logic of the smart code
Field Name - Condition - Value(Numbers,Characters)
GUARHOMPH LT 3019999999 (Guarantor home phone (Area code first), less than)
GUARHOMPH GT 3010000000 (Guarantor home phone (Area code first), greater than)
“AND/OR (A,O)” put an “A”
Then: On the back page put a “Y” in Do not allow if decisions are not met”
Second: In the “Account list for audit” on the second screen, “Additional selections” there is a field called “Decision met on s/code”. This field will take any smart code you create, and use the decisions met on the smart code to create your audit… So, with the example smart code 100 I created, I put it in this field.
Now when the “Account list for audit” is run, it will use the criteria created on smart code 100 to select the accounts.
Keywords - Article Smart Code Audit Article Smart Code Account List