SYSCO41 - FTP Job Processing SYSCO42 - Client group information (Help) SYSCO43 - Client help codes SYSCO44 - Complaints Keywords - Article Custom Menu System Control...
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INQMNU1 - Account inquiry MAIN23 - Change company to be processed (menu option) MAIN50 - Custom options (main menu) MAIN90 - Sign off MAINSA - Sales module MAINSC - Shortcut to view sy...
Do STRDFU on file SCMENUDT in SCDATA Hit F10 These are the fields that need to be populated: MDMNEMONIC: (mnemonic name - will be the menu name (AT TOP) and the option number) MDMENUDES: (menu option ...
To set up a an option to return back to the original custom menu assigned to the user you need to do the following: * Create a menu named MAINRT - Return to original custom menu * Do not add any ...
To set up a custom menu that calls another complete menu you need to do the following: * Create/duplicate the menu that you want to call * Add that menu name to the custom menu that will call it ...
MNRMNU1 - Collector comparison MNRMNU2 - Client list MNRMNU3 - Client comparison MNRMNU4 - Client receivables MNRMNU5 - Salesman...
MENMNU1 - Month-end reports MENMNU2 - Reset month-to-date information MENMNU4 - Multiple client reports MENMNU13 - Month-end reset (all c...
YENMNU1 - Collector comparison report YENMNU2 - Client comparison report YENMNU13 - Reset year-to-date information YENMNU15 - Year-end reset (all companies) ...
CSTMNU1 - Preliminary statement report CSTMNU2 - Statements and checks CSTMNU3 - Statements and checks (TEST) CSTMNU4 - Trust report CSTMNU5 - Client r...