If you get the following error members for file postmaster more than maximum allowed, you will need to run a purge from the keyesmail menu. Keyesmail, keeps a log of all emails sent and if that file ...
If you get the message that the user is not authorized to access keyesmail mailbox, you need to do the following: * If libraries KMDATA & KMLIB are NOT in your library list, you will need to add th...
To activate Keyesmail on RMEx you need to enter a company e-mail address on the 2nd page of the Company Information screen keywords: article keyesmail keysmail ...
To access keyesmail, make sure KMLIB is in your library list and type in GO KMMENU on command line and hit enter. Keywords - Kbase Keyesmail ...
RMEx can send reports through the internet using email. To do this requires the purchase of a program called keyesmail. For full details, you will find all the information needed by going to the for...
E-mailing reports There is an option to encrypt your data using PKZIP for the I-Series. This will allow you to compress and optionally encrypt your attachments. The encrypted attachments can only be o...